----- Update: This date is cancelled. The lecture will be hold in the summer semester. Further information will be published as soon as possible -----
Starting with Adolf von Harnack’s claim (a version of it has been repeatedly voiced by present theo- logians as well) that the Old Testament should have no canonical validity for Christians in modern time, we will turn, first, to Harnack’s studies on Marcion and, second, to his lectures on the Essence of Christianity in order to see where this claim stems from. We will next turn to Leo Baeck’s various critical responses to Harnack’s claim. We will conclude with Martin Buber’s attempt to offer a third way to connect Judaism and Christianity.
Alon Segev wrote his Ph.D. thesis on Martin Heidegger. He’s been Max-Planck, “Minerva”, fellow at Heidelberg University and had various guest positions at universities in Europe and the US, giving seminars in modern Jewish and Christian thought, religious studies, and intellectual history, espe- cially the Holocaust. He currently teaches philosophy at Loyola University Chicago. He is the author of three books and of many articles and essays, dealing with a wide range of topics and writers, from Descartes to Hannah Arendt.
Room 117, 19:15.