Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD.)

Sandro Boticelli, Sant'Agostino nello studio (ca.1480), Florence, Chiesa di Ognissanti:
Deum et animam scire cupio. Nihilne plus? Nihil omnino! God and the soul, that is what I desire to know! Nothing more? Nothing whatever! (Soliloquia I 7,1).
Source: akg-images/Rabatti – Domingie


Jerome of Stridon (347 -. 420 AD)

Georges de la Tour (1593-1652), Jerome reading, Paris, Musée du Louvre:
Errasse humanum est et confiteri errorem prudentis. Well, to err is human and to confess one’s error wise (Epistulae 57,12,3; cf. Cicero, Orationes Philippicae 12,2,5).
akg-images/Erich Lessing

akg-images/Rabatti – Domingie, location:


Origen of Alexandria (ca. 185-254 AD.)

Presentation of the manuscript Clm 17092, f 130v of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek:
τοῖς δὲ θεωρητικοῖς καρδίᾳ θεωρητός, τουτέστι νῷ, καρδίᾳ δὲ οὐ τῇ τυχούσῃ ἀλλὰ τῇ καθαρᾷ. While He can be seen by those who see with the heart, that is, the understanding; not indeed with any kind of heart, but with one which is ‘pure’ (Contra Celsum VI 69; cf. Matthew 5,8).
Source: bpk-images


Iulia Flavia Helena (248/250-350 AD)

Portrait of seated woman (2nd century AD) with head of the Empress, mother of Constantine, Rome, Vatican Museums:
Μακάριος ἤμην εἰ τοιαύτην γυναῖκα εἶχον καὶ τῷ κάλλει καὶ τῷ τρόπῳ. How happy should I be if I had such a wife, both for beauty and manners (Pastor Hermae, Visio 1,2).
Source: Anthony Majanlahti; Reiner Zensen

Ancient Christianity in Berlin

Ancient Christianity is an exciting field. How did this new religion come into existence? How did it establish itself during the Roman Empire and reshape the Empire? While the Roman Empire is a long bygone age, and both the world and Christianity look very different today, the study of Early Christianity is no less valuable.

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Sincerely yours, Christoph Markschies


Regions of Ancient Christianity

Ancient Christianity Early Christianity in North Africa differed characteristically from Christianity in Asia Minor. These regional differences have often been described in very schematic terms. The Christianity of specific regions is reconstructed based on epigraphic, archaeological and other textual evidence. more


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Christoph Markschies

As a professor of Ancient Christianity (Patristics) at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin he leads ...

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